Sunday 4 May 2014

Speed Dating

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Are you the only singleton out of your friends?

Do you feel pressure to meet someone or live up to your married friends expectations on what it’s like to be single?

If so, then why not try speed dating?

I remember being in my early twenties and choking on my sarcasm when talking about people who go speed dating or try internet dating websites. Yet, there I was about to go on thirteen different dates with men that I would probably scoot away from at a bus stop.

I could go into detail about every single one of the men that were forced to sit at my table for three minutes at a time. However, hand on heart I can only remember a few of the guys for all the wrong reasons.

Take George and Toby for example, two guys in their mid to late thirties, one was a lawyer and the other worked in film. Now, all the gold diggers out there would be rubbing their hands and clearing their noses with coffee to get ready for the sweet smell of money that could be coming their way. Not me. Now if I wasn't raised with manners, I would have been checking the time on my phone and pretending to text someone. Fact is I have had more laughs with the guy that pushes the shopping trolleys at the local supermarket. Even the people who work in banks and speak in 'white noise' grab my attention more than these guys did! 

Money can buy a nice home, holidays and nice gifts. However, that is all it can do. It can’t create a real connection with someone else. Ok, well some might argue it can when shopping…but for how long?

Following this, there was a string of men that came to tell me about their ex-girlfriends and their past escapades!

“I don’t want an over bearing woman” one bloke opened a sentence with. He had a stern look on his face.

“We are all here because we have been burned in the past and I want honesty” another guy firmly told me. As he continued I listened to all his assumptions about women. I felt like I was standing in a dock being tried for witchcraft!

I don’t want to be with someone whose ex-girlfriend is the centerpiece of our relationship. Nobody should be made to pay for the mistakes that someone’s ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend did. Furthermore, if you’re still feeling resentment for an ex-partner then do not go on a crusade to torture other people over it!

Then your get the complete odd balls (the ones that either lack any form social tact or social decency). Take Mike the guy who told me he wanted to start a cult, then got all short me with me and self-righteous when I wouldn't tell him whether I ticked  him or not (I obviously didn't, but I’m not going to tell crazy that face to face).

Bottom line, I think it’s great if you meet someone you really like when speed dating. However, that never happened for me. Instead I walked away from my thirteen different dates with a greater sense of knowledge towards what I wanted from a relationship. I had met a lawyer, a guy who worked in film and several other guys. Yet none of them could hold my attention for three minutes let alone hold my heart!


  1. Hey Amity that was interesting - care to write a piece for ?

  2. Let me know the details :)
