Sunday 13 July 2014

Conversations With George

 Some like to think that I sit by my window in my Essex suburban home waiting for prince charming to rev up outside in a white Ford Escort. A few would like to imagine that I go home most evenings, watch Bridget Jones Diary and start a new diet. Then a very small minority of people think that I live a wild life of escapades and hang out in cocktail bars with men in suits. Others just think I’m lonely, lost and unlovable.

Take George (a friend) who owns an IT company. George lives in London, aged thirty three and makes no apology for his high income to the ladies he meets. 

“Your problem is you don’t advertise yourself enough. On these dating websites you have to think of yourself like a product” George stated. 

“What you want me to write? One previous owner and in good condition on the ‘About Me’ part” I replied.

“What else you going to write, about how you go to the cinema on your jack and belong to a union” He sarcastically blurted back at me.

“What’s wrong with that?” I questioned.

“I don't believe in unions for a start” He announced.

“What were you a mill or factory owner in a past life? I hope you get gout from your diet of fillet steak” I answered and rolled my eyes. George looked at me. If I was a product at this point he would of picked up his phone and demanded to speak to the complaints department about my behaviour. 

"Oh and what are you going to put on your profile? How your constantly chasing after cars, pink suits and buying hyped up toot you don't need?" I added. 

Like my appetite, my conversation with George had turned sour. I didn't see why I had to meet other peoples expectations of what it means to be a single woman. There would be no drinking of red wine, no sad films, no new diets and no creating a CV to sell oneself to potential dates. Only me, my kindle and a blank canvas. 

For further reading please visit a fantastic blog

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