Wednesday 30 April 2014

Congratulations You're Single!

I am still waiting for my ‘congratulations you didn't marry the wrong guy’ card to come through the post. It’s been a few weeks now and still no cards. Instead many other things come my way, a bill, a letter from student loan, junk mail and not to mention a newsletter from the church…wait wasn't Jesus single?

My ex left me to pursue greener grass and now I am on the greener side of time. For years, I hated the idea of being single. I had life plans set in stone with an electric fence around them. Now here I am single, still the same person and shamelessly happy.

What’s the big problem?

No I'm not lonely, cynical or insecure.

Wait what’s this bubble doing around my head? 

Blue from Clare Blackman on Myspace.


  1. omg that was absolutely lovely! i clicked the title thinking ooo this is gonna be a smashing read! to find it ended at bubble....awwwww i was looking for so much mooooooore!

    i am def looking forward to more of ur stuff!

    i just scrolled up to see if u had a rss feed and i was thinking wow, finally an opportunity to try subscribing to one of these rss things, i just installed it on my website and still learning whats all th hubub about!

    so i guess your going to have to go into my bookmarks instead!

    my blog that i just started is

    awww im still fuzzy after what i just read that was amazing! your too talented to keep us from your content!

    its so good actually im about to send it to my mum too! ;)

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words :) I will check out your blog right away :)
